Category Archives: Fishing

Fishing Update: Eureka! Learning to Work the Lure

So, as what my previous post mentioned, I’ve gotten back on fishing. Since the last update, I’ve managed to stock up my lure collection quite a bit. Here’s the “before and after” lure box:



Yes. That is a significant increase in collection.

However, in the past few weeks, while I increased my lure collection, I realised my catches are still pretty much hit and miss.… Read the rest

Started Fishing Again

Alright, this is a change from my usual stuff. Or maybe this is the usual stuff — the only constant is change. Change of my various hobbies!

So about my whereabouts recently, I have taken a turn and am now kinda stuck into fishing now. Specifically lure fishing! Here’s my current lure box:

In the past 3 weeks, I’ve been relatively successful, catching 4 fishes:


It has been quite fruitful, considering that I’m catching fishes with artificial baits.… Read the rest