Category Archives: Technology

2FA QR Code Reencoder

So, I hate the Google Authenticator UI. Not sure if many people experienced it, but sometimes the service providers keeps a long name for their TOTP labels. This create a problem where the text exceeded the width of my screen. (Yes, I’m looking at you, Amazon Web Serivces, who definitely could have used AWS instead).

The below example displays that Slack used quite a long label (but definitely acceptable for Slack).… Read the rest

AI Security CTF 2021

So I joined the AI Security CTF hosted by SINCON 2021 organisers.

It was a great learning experience, especially for me who has no “real” experience in ML. Overall the learning curve was alright (at some point, copy and pasting from examples were sufficient).

The CTF grouped the challenges by “Easy”, “Intermediate” and “Kind of Difficult”. The “Easy” questions were generally pattern spotting (and somewhat ambigious) questions that were relatively easy.… Read the rest

Stonks Spartan

So it has been a while since my previous stock analysis tool broke. Honestly, I procrastinated a little bit, but have finally gotten to a little MVP for the application, and have deployed it to

This time, I wrote the entire tool as a web-based management portal, allowing easier management, as opposed to the previously CLI tool. Therefore, the complexity is definitely higher, even though I created a few web-based application previously.… Read the rest

Converting File to Variable — file2var

How many times have you faced scenarios where you need to compile an external file to a binary of a package for easy distribution? These scenarios can range from embedding malware to serving html files using a single binary/package.


Well now, I’ve developed a tool within my easyscript repository! It’s called file2var. Here’s file2var in action:


Basically file2var converts a file as a variable (currently support Golang only) so that it can be compiled or package within an application in its code.… Read the rest

Making Chat Bot

Recently, a certain Mr Chua has inspired me to create a chat bot. Well, at least one that responds directly to instruction instead of those NLP ones.

So….I did it! Well, that’s the point of this post isn’t it?

The bot is based on Telegram, and uses a library that acts as a wrapper for Telegram API. I must really say, Telegram has made it very bottable, and the API is clean, usable and practical.… Read the rest

Prediction for Energy & Vehicles

I haven’t been posting for a while, and the key reason is due to me in the process of changing job.

I’ve just changed job from Pricing Analyst in Exxonmobil to Pricing Manager in Singtel. They key reason for the switch is due to a certain prediction I have. Which brings to this post — the first prediction post.

I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and right now, I’m taking responsibility and action for what I believe in and what I predict will happen.… Read the rest

Pentesting & Updates

Now, I’ve been interested in pentesting (or some people call ‘hacking’) since I was in my teens. Progressing on this has always been a challenge though. From books to websites, to downloading tons of tools, the best it made me was a script kiddie.

I would say the progress from ‘script kiddie’ to actually knowing what’s going on is a slow and long journey.… Read the rest

UFW for Uncomplicated FireWall

So now, I’ve been running server on a couple of servers for different purposes (including this web server!). It’s a good idea to add additional security for servers. Looking at other SSH servers, they get ~15,000 attacks in 7 days!

Some basic protection would be:

  • Keep your servers updated
  • Install SSH on a different port
  • Use kernel firewall (IPTABLES) or UFW to secure your connections

The last point is what this post is about!… Read the rest

China Crash & samFinance Tool

So, as predicted (and I have been actively telling people), the China crashed continued again. So, China opened for less than an hour and closed as its exchange fell 7% in that hour, activating the circuit breaker.

Interestingly, China has made the decision to suspend the circuit breaker. This decision will likely allow better pricing of the market (and that means nothing to stop the free fall).… Read the rest

Coding for Finance: samFinance using Python

So, I’ve started a Project to write a code to help me monitor stocks prices and to have some indicators that allows me to make investment decision. Right now, I’ve done up a preliminary (but working) version of that automated script for monitoring of my investments — samFinance.

For your information, the code is in my git repository:

Before I do all there, I just felt the need to show off my Vim environment!… Read the rest