Category Archives: Thoughts

Somewhere to pen down my thoughts of the day. Sometimes insightful. Many times, I question my sanity.

Watch #2

Citizen Eco-Drive Gents Sapphire Crystal Watch BM6750-59A

Watch 2 – For Graduation & 2 Jobs

I purchased this watch on Mar 2014. This was a watch that I decided I shall wear from graduation. From March till May, there was about 2 months where I waited before wearing it.

Frankly, working life was a little disappointing. Work was more mundane than school and to some extent, the work I did at Dragonfly was more exciting.… Read the rest

Watches Tell Stories

I’ve been doing a long-term project on watches. The premise is that a watch is something I carry with my wherever I go, and they will carry “memories” of what I’m doing and what I think.

What I’ll do is to carry a limited number of watches throughout my life, etching “memories” of each watches. I’ll then be able to tell stories based on each watch that I carry, and what each sections of my life I experienced.… Read the rest

Finding Their Reason

“Everyone has a reason for something. Figure out their angle. Lies, truths, excuses, actions… always keep looking for the reasons and then you will learn to judge people better.”


Quote from XchrisZ from Reddit… Read the rest

Quick Update (3 Nov 16)

Just a quick update. I’ve recently been busy with lots of stuff. Mainly cooking at the moment. Current busy stuff:

  • Cooking
  • Brewing
  • Updating webfront for samFinance

On the topic of samFinance — I’m making a web front for it! Currently have a rough idea of how I would like to create a web front for it. However, it’s really hard to find time to sit down and just type and code for hours consecutively.… Read the rest

Prediction for Energy & Vehicles

I haven’t been posting for a while, and the key reason is due to me in the process of changing job.

I’ve just changed job from Pricing Analyst in Exxonmobil to Pricing Manager in Singtel. They key reason for the switch is due to a certain prediction I have. Which brings to this post — the first prediction post.

I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and right now, I’m taking responsibility and action for what I believe in and what I predict will happen.… Read the rest

Changing the World

There was a question on what I’m up to. And I answered “trying to change the world”. And I mean it.

What is Changing the World

Now, “changing the world” seems to sound so lofty and ambitious. Really, I believe it isn’t. To me. the butcher is changing the world around him. He is providing meat to the people around him, and changing people’s lives for the better.Of… Read the rest

My First Hackathon: Startathon!

Such a good name for my starting Hackathon: Startathon!

Yes, I spent a good 30 hours on my first Hackathon, and it seems like it’s a good start for many other Hackathon to come. Overall, I had lots of fun, I learnt many things, and I found out some areas i have to grow in. In short, it was AWESOME!


Yes, the 30 hours were grueling.… Read the rest

School and Dreams

It has been more than a week since my last post! Decided to pop in a quick post on a thought that lingered in my mind the past few days.

Many times, we reminiscence about going back to school. Those carefree times, and the time when we thought we were invincible, possible of achieving anything. Some people want to go back because they want to have the feeling of having no responsibilities.… Read the rest

Entrepreneurship & Leverage

Businesses around the world serves their customers’ needs and desires through providing products or services to the society around them. In this process, businesses leverage on their specialized resources and cater the products and services they have to the customers’ need. As a result, they bring satisfaction and joy to the customers…and make monetary profits as well.

There are factors that businesses have to master and fulfill in order to compete and serve customers.… Read the rest

About Thinking and Short Attention Span

A thought about thinking! How meta is that. Heh. Well, I’ve worked for slightly longer than a year, and I’ve realised that in the past 1 year, I really have not been doing sufficient introspective thinking. I find three reasons why I’ve been thinking less, and have come up with a possible solution: My Blog.

Problem 1: Lack of Time
One reason must be the lack of time.… Read the rest