Category Archives: Health & Grooming

Spot Review: OneBlade CORE

Quick review on OneBlade CORE which I borrowed from Paul. Paul has been giving good reviews on its gentleness and truthfully I was skeptical on how gentle it is. After all, I thought my “Mustafa” razor was pretty gentle already, even after comparing several razor I’ve own.

After trying it, I must say it is really gentle. Much gentler than what I expected.… Read the rest

New Razor! The Mühle R41

My Mühle R41 is finally here! According to Badger & Blades’s list of DE blades by aggressiveness, the R41 ranks at the top. I’ve been curious to try out this level of aggressiveness and have paired it with the Derby Extra Stainless blade. Overall, the new razor doesn’t feel as aggressive as I thought. Thankfully. I was really careful with it though, with so many comments of it causing multiple nicks and cuts.… Read the rest

Review of Safety Razor Blades

In my previous post ( I’ve written on what I’m up to for wet shaving.

This post aims to record and consolidate the reviews I have of some blades I’m trying out. It might be separate post, but I’ll try to consolidate the reviews as much as I can.

The blades above are the blades that I’ll try out in an attempt to find out which one I’ll like best and is most suitable for my shaving experience.… Read the rest

The Art of Wet Shaving

Before there was all the Gillette Mach 3 or the Fusion blade, there was a simpler and perhaps better way to shave. That was wet shaving.

I’ve been wet shaving with dual edge (DE) razor for the past few years (~5 years) and have recently gotten more interest in it again to try out different razor & blades. I’ve been using safety razor to shave myself in the morning to give myself a close shave on my face.… Read the rest