
The Art of Wet Shaving

Before there was all the Gillette Mach 3 or the Fusion blade, there was a simpler and perhaps better way to shave. That was wet shaving.

I’ve been wet shaving with dual edge (DE) razor for the past few years (~5 years) and have recently gotten more interest in it again to try out different razor & blades. I’ve been using safety razor to shave myself in the morning to give myself a close shave on my face.… Read the rest

Making Chat Bot

Recently, a certain Mr Chua has inspired me to create a chat bot. Well, at least one that responds directly to instruction instead of those NLP ones.

So….I did it! Well, that’s the point of this post isn’t it?

The bot is based on Telegram, and uses a library that acts as a wrapper for Telegram API. I must really say, Telegram has made it very bottable, and the API is clean, usable and practical.… Read the rest

Finding Their Reason

“Everyone has a reason for something. Figure out their angle. Lies, truths, excuses, actions… always keep looking for the reasons and then you will learn to judge people better.”


Quote from XchrisZ from Reddit… Read the rest

Fishing Update: Eureka! Learning to Work the Lure

So, as what my previous post mentioned, I’ve gotten back on fishing. Since the last update, I’ve managed to stock up my lure collection quite a bit. Here’s the “before and after” lure box:



Yes. That is a significant increase in collection.

However, in the past few weeks, while I increased my lure collection, I realised my catches are still pretty much hit and miss.… Read the rest

Started Fishing Again

Alright, this is a change from my usual stuff. Or maybe this is the usual stuff — the only constant is change. Change of my various hobbies!

So about my whereabouts recently, I have taken a turn and am now kinda stuck into fishing now. Specifically lure fishing! Here’s my current lure box:

In the past 3 weeks, I’ve been relatively successful, catching 4 fishes:


It has been quite fruitful, considering that I’m catching fishes with artificial baits.… Read the rest

Quick Update (3 Nov 16)

Just a quick update. I’ve recently been busy with lots of stuff. Mainly cooking at the moment. Current busy stuff:

  • Cooking
  • Brewing
  • Updating webfront for samFinance

On the topic of samFinance — I’m making a web front for it! Currently have a rough idea of how I would like to create a web front for it. However, it’s really hard to find time to sit down and just type and code for hours consecutively.… Read the rest

Prediction for Energy & Vehicles

I haven’t been posting for a while, and the key reason is due to me in the process of changing job.

I’ve just changed job from Pricing Analyst in Exxonmobil to Pricing Manager in Singtel. They key reason for the switch is due to a certain prediction I have. Which brings to this post — the first prediction post.

I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and right now, I’m taking responsibility and action for what I believe in and what I predict will happen.… Read the rest

Interesting Quote (12 May 2016)

It just makes me so sad when I see someone light up and start talking about their passion, but then they stop talking and apologize.

SourceRead the rest

Pentesting & Updates

Now, I’ve been interested in pentesting (or some people call ‘hacking’) since I was in my teens. Progressing on this has always been a challenge though. From books to websites, to downloading tons of tools, the best it made me was a script kiddie.

I would say the progress from ‘script kiddie’ to actually knowing what’s going on is a slow and long journey.… Read the rest

UFW for Uncomplicated FireWall

So now, I’ve been running server on a couple of servers for different purposes (including this web server!). It’s a good idea to add additional security for servers. Looking at other SSH servers, they get ~15,000 attacks in 7 days!

Some basic protection would be:

  • Keep your servers updated
  • Install SSH on a different port
  • Use kernel firewall (IPTABLES) or UFW to secure your connections

The last point is what this post is about!… Read the rest